Tech Announcements
New features, fixes, and other important announcements from the technology department.
- MIAD Power Outage
- Wifi Connectivity "FIX"
- Wifi Connectivity Issues
- Gmail FAQ
- Printing Denied Resolution
- WiFi network now using logins
- A email is required to submit support tickets
- New Authenticated Wireless Networks: venus and venus2
- Jenzabar Maintenance Outage
- Moodle Closed for Upgrade Fri Jan 6, 2017 Until 4pm
- Summer Hours
- 4th Floor B&W Printer down
- Email Migration Survey
- Summer Lab Hours May 9th
- Migration to new email system this summer
- Extended Lab Hours
- Moodle is back Up
- System Slowness
- Printers are down
- Zmail error message: Connection not secure
- Moodle Closed for Upgrade
- On campus printing unavailable Tuesday, Dec. 1, from 12pm to 12:30pm
- Winter Break Lab Hours
- Thanksgiving Break Lab Hours 25th - 29th
- ZMail is now available to login and use email
- Zmail is currently down, no ETA for any access to email
- Moodle Closed for Upgrade
- 2nd Floor Hallway Color Printer down
- New phone system goes live