The quickest way to install printer drivers/queues to a Windows machine is to use the vendor-supplied Mobility Print application.
Note that you must be on campus and connected to MIAD's network in order to obtain the drivers.
In Onelogin:
- If you don't already see it, click the More Shortcuts: Everything tab and search for Mobility Print, you'll be directed to a download page
- During install, you'll be prompt for your credentials; use your MIAD network credentials (not your machine's username or password) - this will pre-authenticate you to all of the printers on campus
- That's it
Track Your Printing Balance Using PC Client
Using PC Client is optional, but is the best way to track your printing balance.
Note that you must be on campus and connected to MIAD's network in order to download PC Client.
- Open File Explorer (yellow folder, typically pinned to the bottom task bar)
- In the preceding window, the Quick access bar is what we'll be using:
- Click into Quick access > and type: \\
- You'll be prompt for credentials, enter like so:
- username: MIAD\firstnamelastname
- password: your MIAD network password
- Open the PCClient folder
- Open the win folder
- Scroll to client-local-install.exe and run it, to install PC Client
- After setup, you'll be prompt to sign in; use your MIAD network credentials
PC Client Prompts While Using Your Machine Off Campus
PC Client works by checking in with MIAD's print server. When you're using your machine off campus, you may get prompts that it can't connect; these prompts are safe to ignore and expected -- the print server is only accessible from inside the building.
You can completely exit PC Client to prevent it from checking in.
To re-open PC Client after it's been quit:
- Open File Explorer
- Paste the following into File Explorer's address bar: C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF Client
- Open pc-client.exe
Need Advanced Printing Features?
Any open lab machine or printing station can be utilized; Mobility Print's offerings are only basic print drivers.
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