Login to Onelogin
- Click your name in the upper-right corner
- Select Profile
- Click Change Password and follow the prompt (password has to contain at least 1 upper-case, 1 lower-case letter and be a minimum of 8 characters)*
* Adding special characters: !@#$%^&*()_-+={}|<>?/:"'; can greatly increase the strength of your password.
The new password you chose is also your venus and venus2 password.
The following does not apply to students, or staff / faculty on Windows laptops -- only staff / faculty using MIAD Mac laptops will need to update the keychain.
- Go to the Wi-Fi settings (top bar > Wi-Fi logo > Turn off Wi-Fi
- Turn it back on again; you will be prompt for a password; enter your new password
- After wifi successfully connects (the wifi bar turns solid black), sign out: Apple logo in the left-corner of the top bar > Sign Out
- Log in again (with your new password)
- You will receive a prompt: The system was unable to unlock your login keychain. - click Update Keychain Password
- A password prompt follows; enter your old password
- You should now be fully logged in.
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