Wacom CINTIQ Tablet No Sync - Go To Sleep! Or is not displaying.
How to get your Mac to recognize your Wacom Cintiq and stop driving you crazy.All right this was driving me crazy-- I spent a day and a half on the internet trying to find an answer to this and couldn't-- now that I figured it out here's the solution-- and it's actually so easy that's why it was hard to figure out.The message is telling you that there is No Sync between your computer and your tablet-- so it goes to sleep. No matter what else you think-- its purely your connection OR its the DVI/VGA switch on the side of the power unit.
1. Un plug EVERYTHING-- and I mean EVERYTHING-- trust me-- I half assed it multiple times and it didn't work until I redid EVERYTHING.
2. TURN OFF both the tablet and the computer while everything is detached.
3. CAREFULLY re-assemble your connection-- with special attention to the tightness of the connection joints.
4. Turn ON your computer-- let it completely load.
5. Turn ON your tablet-- it should reflect your desktop or at least not go to sleep. Now you can go to SYSTEM PREFERENCES>DISPLAYS>DETECT DISPLAYS and set it up the way you want it.NOTE: If you go to SYSTEM PREFERENCES>DISPLAYS>DETECT DISPLAYS and you aren't able to click on GATHER DISPLAYS or DETECT DISPLAYS that means there is something faulty with your connection.AND IF THAT DOESN'T WORK;
6. Throw the DVI/VGA switch and the tablet should come to life.
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