Starting early Monday morning work will be done on our data network in the area of the Todd Wehr Gallery. I'm sure you've noticed the old projection/sound booth being removed. One of our data cabinets is in that space and it must be replaced with a locked box and installed onto an opposing wall.
Because of this we will experience sporadic outages during the day, that will include but not be limited to:
- desk phones
- desktop computers
- wireless access
I apologize for the short notice but having a contractor accomplish this level of work in one working day, as well as having all new hardware in place, is difficult to say the least. Everything will be done to minimize the instability of services provided by our department.
If your office has a need for phone and/or data service that is in the area between and including Brooks Stevens Gallery, board room, Admissions and Todd Wehr please contact me as soon as possible. I will do what I can to arrange for access to other resources be put in place.
This outage will not last the entire day. But as electrical power, data cabling and fiber optic cabling is moved around bits and pieces of equipment and network access will come and go. I'll be in the building as early as I can on Monday. Please call Technical Services x3220 to report problems or make requests.
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